
TBS21133 Ochratoxin-A Fast ELISA (for plants, cannabis, and herbs)

英文名:Ochratoxin-A Fast ELISA (for plants, cannabis, and herbs)
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TBS21133 96-well plate Tribioscience ¥4150.00

The Tribo™ Ochratoxin-A ELISA Kit is a solid phase direct competitive enzyme immunoassay. It can quickly, sensitively, and accurately determine the presence of ochratoxin-A in plants, crop, herbs, foods and animal feeds. It provides a vital tool to prevent consumption of food tainted with this toxic chemical.

Kit components :

The reagents included in the kit are sufficient for performing 96 measurements (including standards and samples). Reagents and materials in each kit include:

  • 1 microtiter plate containing 12 test strips of 8 wells sealed in an aluminized pouch with desiccant.
  • 7 vials each containing 0.5 mL of ochratoxin-A standard at the concentration of 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 ng/mL, respectively.
  • 1 vial containing 0.1 mL Total Aflatoxin-HRP conjugate (100×).
  • 1 bottle containing 12ml sample diluent buffer (10 x).
  • 1 bottle containing 50 mL microtiter plate Wash Solution (20×).
  • 1 bottle containing 12 mL Fast TMB Substrate (1×).
  • 1 bottle containing 12 mL Stop Solution (1×).
  • 2 microtiter plate sealers.
  • 1 booklet of instruction.

Application :

  • TThe TriboTM Ochratoxin-A ELISA Kit utilizes competitive ELISA for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of ochratoxin-A in grains, nuts, cottonseeds, cereals, cannabis plants and relative products, herbs, and other commodities including animal feeds. The limit of detection (LOD) of ochratoxin-A in ELISA Kit is 0.2ng/ml (1 ppb).

Storage conditions :

  • All components of the kit should be stored at 2-8 oC . This kit expires 6 months after receipt
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