
TBS43007-100 DAS-59132 qPCR Detection

英文名:DAS-59132 qPCR Detection
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TBS43007-100 100 Tests Tribioscience ¥4590.00

Many countries in the world regulate the cultivation and trade with genetically modified organisms (GMO). The enforcement of such regulations depends on the ability to detect and quantify the presence of GMOs in food, feed, and seed products. The real-time qPCR method is sensitive and robust and is regarded as the gold standard for GMO analysis.

The Maize GMO DAS-59132 qPCR Kit is designed for identifying GMO marker DAS-59132 presence or absence in food, feed, and seed products using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR), primers, and labeled probe. The Kit includes maize GMO DAS-59132 Positive and Negative controls, and PCR internal controls, qPCR Super Mix, maize GMO DAS-59132 Prime-Probe Mix, in which the probe is labeled with Fam, and Hex is labeled for PCR internal control. These aids in the straightforward interpretation of the results.



  • Highly sensitivity and specificity for identification of GMO DAS-59132.
  • High efficiency: the optimal systemic conditions for PCR amplification.
  • Streamlined protocol: Just add DNA Template and water.
  • No cross reactivity with others.



1. DNA extraction: The methods for DNA extraction can be used for any suitable preparation of DNA purification from food samples. We recommend that the Fast genomic DNA extraction method be used for this purpose (catalog: TBS6008).

2. Set up a PCR reaction for each sample in 20 µL

Reaction Component Volume (µL)
qPCR Super Mix 7.0
Primer-probe Mix 5.0
Nuclease-free Water 3.0
DNA sample 5.0
Final Volume 20 µL

Internal control should be included as below: Positive Control or Negative control (5 µL /reaction).

3. Suggested PCR conditions

Step Amplification PCR
HOLD CYCLE (40 cycles)
Denature Anneal/ Extend
Temperature 95 °C 95 °C 60 °C
Time 1 min 15 sec 60 sec
Packing Group